
Today was the first weekend day with actual sunshine since what feels like last fall. The high was a balmy 50 degrees- but the sunshine made it feel like the tropics.  We went a bit weekend warrior crazy and managed to cram a ton into one day. It has been so rainy for so long a glimmer of summer makes me giddy happy.

The girls were up right around 7 and so had a leisurely breakfast. Hubs got the girls ready when I was out in the garden weeding and starting some more seedlings inside. I made the mistake of letting the girls a few weeks ago pick and plant from seed packets – so have a bevy of very healthy who knows what.  So managed to plant some of them strategically around the yard – the weather tonight is supposed to plummet into the high 20’s so will probably freeze everything out there.

So first stop was the Zoo which is a lovely location that has a view of commencent bay and if you get there right when it opens not crowded at all. Polar bears, carousel and lots of special activities because of earth day. We all had a blast.


Back home for the little ones naptime and with Maren outside – gardening, chalk drawing, and smashing up various plants to see if we could make a paint that would dye paper.

Then after nap, dug out the bikes from the garage and headed for the playground. That had it’s ups and downs – literally – and was obvious it was time to go home after a bit.

Chinese take-out for dinner and now all snuggled in our bed in pjs watching a movie.

Ahhh I love weekends and I love spring!

Snow Day!

I stayed close to home today because of the wacky weather. I had plenty of work that I brought home with me, so I just set up a station at my dining room table facing the big picture window and watched the weather happen. The kids went to daycare after a slow morning getting ready and out of the house, and during the day I got a ton of work done. The type of work that includes filling out paperwork, writing grant applications and contracts. It was a perfectly quiet cozy day of get-er-done busywork.

The snow was on and off throughout the day and started to really come down right around 3:30 so decided to pick the girls up early to avoid any crazy driving conditions. We made the most of the shortened day and the afternoon together. Bundled up and played in the snow, made applesauce muffins (and cupcake-ized them), made dinner, and now are all cozy watching a movie. The pleasant afternoon just has me thinking about balance of life and work. Two young kids, full time work with a commute, making jewelry and finding ways to sell it, it all adds up to busy. Busy is good, but the right combination of busy is the ‘carrot’ or the constant goal. Not sure what the right combination is…but one of these days I’ll figure it out (hopefully).


Sitting here in a turkey and wine induced sleepyness after the family, fun and food for Thanksgiving I was browsing through photos on my computer and came across a few that struck me.

One thing that I did not expect from the jewelry business endeavorer is the absolute fascination of my nearly 5 year old.   Trying to explain to her what I do for my 9-5 job is confusing and perhaps not that interesting.  But my studio is sacred ground to her and the respect that she gives it continually surprises me.  She was working on a drawing the other day at the table and her 2year old sister comes up, and she boldly declares that it is her studio and that she is making artwork.    She draws constantly, and also has recently added to her repertoire a whole series of necklace designs.

jewelry design

So, based on her design, we’ve been working together to create her necklace.

The photos perhaps do not give it justice, but he necklaces that we create together are prized possessions.  And it is so wonderful to be able to support and encourage her creativity as well as have very special things that we work on together.  Perhaps I have a young metalsmith in the making.