#29 Shade Garden

#29 on my 35 things to do when I am 35 was to make a space for a shade garden in our backyard.  We have a perfect place right along a fence line that is completely shadowed by the house for the morning sun and by our neighbors big, beautiful Japanese maple for the remainder of the day.  In all of the previous places that we’ve lived we’ve had pretty intense southern exposure which is wonderful for a great many things, but not so great for ferns, hostas and whatnot.

We moved to our current place 2 years in August and have been focusing attentions on the front of the house to make it look at least inhabited and to start the vegetable garden.  But we do spend a lot of our time in the back in the summertime so having a nice full garden will be lovely!

When my 5 year old and me were out and about the other day getting our toes painted my hubs and my 3 year old industriously made the beginnings of our new shade garden.  Can’t wait to finish it, fill it in with some dirt and get my hands dirty!
